Scotiabank Jamaica - Liguanea Branch w Kingston

JamaicaScotiabank Jamaica - Liguanea Branch



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125-127, Old Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-702-2385
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 18.0201277, Longitude: -76.7665154

komentarze 5

  • St. Auburn “David” LEWIS

    St. Auburn “David” LEWIS


    Been in the bank for almost two hours, still sitting in bank waiting to do a deposit, why ? Because the depositor at the ATM doesn't work. So now I'm being punished because I have no other choice but to come in branch to do the deposit. All the persons who I saw when I came in got through and left. Most of the persons who came in after me in the last hour also got through and left. I am friggin annoyed, the systems don't work. I honestly preferred the 1st come 1st serve era, now I have to wait on the system to decide the importance of the transaction I want to do.

  • Sonia Campbell

    Sonia Campbell


    I went to conduct business and was pleasantly surprised to see how easy it was to get parking. I passed at least two (2) security guards before parking. Two (2) more security guards were at the entrance. I felt that safety was a priority by the bank from the presence of so many security guards. There was a service representative along with the security guards to answer any questions. I did not have an appointment but was allowed to see the SJLIC Representative. The process was prompt and seamless by Judith Patrick.

  • San Myat Htun

    San Myat Htun


    I had a payroll account with them a decade ago when I worked in Jamaica. My account was not active because I haven’t use for awhile. . My sister need to pay to Jamaica government’s housing and she is also out of island and ask me to pay for her . So I was thinking easy go to the bank activate my account .Request a bank cheque and pay to the government. BTW Jamaica ministry of health housing only accepts bank cheque. Not cash or debit/credit card. To activate my account they are asking my last 2 pay cheque from USA . Why ? Why ? This is no longer my payrolls account. I am not coming to hide my income to hide or evade the tax even in that case they can report to IRS with my social. To activate an account need some one else pay cheque,? So this payment was due by my sister and I asked them can she request with email to make a cheque for the ministry and initially they agree when my sister send email they gave all different reasons and didn’t give me the cheque. The cheque is for Jamaica government/ ministry. No one can use that cheque. That housing payment is due by that bank account holder. I can’t understand. Finally I told I have BOA which is their affiliate and chase debit card . Thank from my bank or I have US dollar in cash regardless of exchange rate ( BTW their exchange rate for cash is 134 . Market price and their selling price is 155 just want to tell oversea visitors) . Finally I left bank around 215 pm without getting a cheque. Other banks also close 2:30 pm on Jamaica and I can’t try other banks. I am still believing if I pay cash most of the bank could give a bank cheque . That cheque is for the government. No one can use it . The worst of the worst is they wasted my time. I am absolutely sure to close my account that branch for wasting my time . If I am still wanting to keep my scotia account I will move to other branches. Amount of the time they wasted is for just a thousand dollars worth of cheque to pay Jamaica government? Honestly that money is less than my one day salary if it is my working day and they wasted my time. Even to close the account at that branch I will not allow them to waste my time I will try to do online. For updates my sister she can arrange that cheque to do with NCB and tomorrow we will able to pay for those due housing payments. . Long experience sharing paragraph . Just in short “time wasters. No respect to other people time “

  • T C

    T C


    Waited for close to two hours to do a deposit. When i got it very few people in front of me. People kept coming in, get tickets and for served before me, many.... cant understand how can even be happening and what is the reasoning in that considering I am only doing a cash deposit. Very frustrating and unfair.

  • eva reid

    eva reid


    Just had a very bad experience. Went to bank 9am rushing to get to work.I was given a number i had to sit over half an hour,twice I had to ask what was happening persons were coming in and getting through I was told those customers were premium customers therefore they could jump the line.That just upset me so much am I not a customer,where is the fairness if you have money you go through.seriously thinking of moving my small account to somewhere where I will be given a little more respect.Eva Reid.

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