NCB Matilda's Corner w Kingston

JamaicaNCB Matilda's Corner



🕗 godziny otwarcia

15, Northside Drive, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-936-1300
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0204302, Longitude: -76.7648397

komentarze 5

  • Martina Allen

    Martina Allen


    This is ridiculous!!!! 2 hours in the teller line to do a RTGS...smh... There were less that 10 persons before me. Clearly NCB does not value their customers and the teller was deliberately moving slow... wow!!!

  • Shedrick Cormock

    Shedrick Cormock


    Terrible waiting time, on any given day. I think the tellers were deliberately moving slow. Something needs to be done about 1 teller serving the entire branch. It’s disgusting

  • Damith Wickramanayake

    Damith Wickramanayake


    This is my branch for last 22 years. Too crowdy. Try to make an appointment before you go. But you have to be an ASCEND memeber to make an appointment. Otherwise carry your lunch . it will take whole your day.

  • Spinkey



    The customer service reps tried but the wait time was a terrible experience. I spent the entire day here . I am was in the bank from 12nn and did not leave until 5pm. To reactivate an account should not take an entire day how is that possible. They have a new system that you need to make appointment but that don't work. I got my business done but plan to spend the entire day for customer service help..

  • jeamelee smith

    jeamelee smith


    If your looking for a problem solver check Maurice Dawson. So, I went to the bank to sort out some business sometime earlier this week. Two ladies tried to assist, but they were experiencing some challenging. After which Maurice said he will assist and he was patience and worked diligently to ensure I got through. At the end of it all I was a happy customer. In my opinion staff should be rewarded for difficult tasks because they are hard and most people don't like challenge. Thank Maurice Dawson for assisting be with such grace and tenacity.

najbliższy Bank

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