National Commercial Bank - UWI Branch w Kingston

JamaicaNational Commercial Bank - UWI Branch



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Ring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-4622
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0047652, Longitude: -76.7472064

komentarze 5

  • Richard



    With the fact that our country is trying to down size operation and customers are expected to use ABM for more services, going to uwi is poor. I have been here a month apart and only to find one machine offering deposit service and two for withdrawals. There is a total of five machines I must add. A 2 minute process turned into a hour of waiting. They need to either properly fix the machine or replace them. Persons had to be turning away from conducting their business because they could not spare anymore time. Sigh

  • Jareama Patrick

    Jareama Patrick


    Poor poor service. I don’t know if the bank tellers don’t want to be at work but you can’t have bank opening at 8:30am and closes at 2:30am and one of the bank tellers strolling in like at 9am then take more than 30mins for one customer. One of the machines there over the weekend took my money without issuing any receipt or confirmation that it accepted any deposit and when I returned today the ppl then say nothing don’t wrong with the machine when it told me deposit hardware not functioning. Please be careful I uploaded the ATM machine that did it just avoid depositing funds in that machine . My case will take probably 90 days to investigate.

  • Shavelle Senior

    Shavelle Senior


    This rating is based on my personal experience with this bank at the UWI Mona campus. The customer service was poor. I needed to change my phone number on my account in order to finish the activation process for my credit card. The representative told me to wait 3 to 5 days before it can be updated and gave me a reference number. I then called the number for the NCB call center and they told me it can be done instantly. So conclusion that woman was just lazy as hell. When I went back to her she was like I told you to wait 3-5 days and I was like it can and will be done today. The NCB call center helped. Not them. They gave off the feeling like they aren't getting enough pay or they are unhappy with their job. Just disturbing and unpleasant.

  • Luwayne T

    Luwayne T


    One of the best NCB branches across Jamaica. Lots of DIY machines, so you can quickly deposit and go. IMO they offer great service at this location too and the spot is always cool & nice🙂 If you're a student without an NCB account, don't leave UWI without one 👍. After all, NCB is now Jamaica's #1 bank

  • Ryan Peters

    Ryan Peters


    There are 5 teller stations but never more than two tellers. You will waste hour and a half in the lines here. They don't really care

najbliższy Bank

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