JN Bank w Kingston

JamaicaJN Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

32 1/2 Duke street, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-906-5343
strona internetowej: www.jnbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9683682, Longitude: -76.7907134

komentarze 5

  • Andre Lewis

    Andre Lewis


    Bad very bad all the banks in jamaica are difficult

  • Toni-Ann Brown

    Toni-Ann Brown


    Extremely long wait times especially for the teller and customer service lines. At no time should you have only one agent working in these areas and you have others sitting around there computers doing God knows what. It's ridiculous! A lot of persons are trying to get back to work. Come on man, do better JN! This isn't a new issue and no improvements have been made over the years smh

  • Terry Campbell

    Terry Campbell


    I visited the branch on January 26, 2022. I got there at 9:30, there were 11 people a head of me. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we had to stand outside the building and wait for our turn. I needed to see customer service. Three hours later I was allowed to go in and proceeded upstairs to customer service. One number remained on the board for 24 minutes ( I counted the time) before the next number was called, but they repeated the previous number once more with over a 15 minutes wait. One hour and 15 minutes later I was seen by a customer service representative. Needless to say, after calling the customer service number a day before to inquire what documents I needed for my visit to the branch, I was told that I still did not have all the documents. The person I spoke with on the telephone did not give me all the details. So much for calling a day before to be prepared and organized. I wasted over 4 hours and still did not get the task completed. There is simply not enough staff in the customer service area at the JN Duke street branch (well at least on the day I visited). They were also not working efficiently as one male representative took the time to walk towards a window and stared through it for a few minutes before walking out the door. Senior citizens were not given priority and had to stand not sit outside and wait too. One senior citizen was so tired he had to sit on the stairs outside. The security ignored our plea to give him a chair. Very poor customer service.

  • Carson Ford

    Carson Ford


    Slow boat to China and No parking ... 2 hrs wait time to make an account....I used their services else where didn't have the same experience, this bank is often overcrowded and operating beyoud capacity.

  • K Chan

    K Chan


    You can have a smooth experience with this bank depending on the issue your having and agent you are dealing with but sometimes it might require a good amount of patience by the customer. Update old harbour branch is woefully discouraging the place is small the tellers are extremely slow I had 11 people in front of me with 3 tellers working and I had to be in there for a hour the atm outside the bank is out of service most time and the atm inside doesn't facilitate deposit the drop box doesn't have the proper envelopes just blank envelopes and old lodgement slips at that moment its just a catastrophe

najbliższy Bank

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