Scotiabank Centre & Executive Offices w Kingston

JamaicaScotiabank Centre & Executive Offices



🕗 godziny otwarcia

72, Port Royal Street, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-922-1000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9650748, Longitude: -76.790815

komentarze 5

  • Ian Grant

    Ian Grant


    Pleasant staff but terrible service. Lots of smiles but extremely low productivity. The staff ambles around with no sense of urgency or regard for the waiting customers.

  • Peter Brooke

    Peter Brooke


    Terrible lineup Friday morning. Only 2 out of 7 machines are running. I go back at 8 am Saturday morning. 2 out of 7 running. Scotia, you have to do better, or you lose public support. I waited way too long. And 5 machines NFG. ❤️

  • Carson Ford

    Carson Ford


    Why are there 3 tellers with 60 person que. 16 empty teller booths. Beside the bountiful seating and the well organized queuing system , why are there so few tellers and so many people. I would hope to think that you have more teller personnel available. It isn't even lunch time it's 11 :20 now and I have been here quite some time now. This is definitely a whole day afair because I am here on a Tuesday and this isn't a month end. It's been 3 hours now...according to the staff this is a regular occurrence.....this is really bad, this is really atrocious. Molasses slow slow boat to china.

  • Trishauna Barclay

    Trishauna Barclay


    One of the most efficient banks I've been to in a long while. Security guard was polite and knowledgeable as well as the staff I interacted with. I was in and out of there within 20minutes. The ATMs were clean and had cash, considering what has been the norm of late.

  • Jevaughn Henry

    Jevaughn Henry


    The bank has a nice atmosphere and it is spacious. The customer service is good, however waiting times can be long, especially in the afternoon. Therefore I would recommend visiting the branch in the morning. 4 ATMs are present on the outside.

najbliższy Bank

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