NCB w Kingston




🕗 godziny otwarcia

37, Duke Street, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-922-4622
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9684933, Longitude: -76.7910403

komentarze 5

  • Daimean Romero Graham

    Daimean Romero Graham


    Thanks you 😘 god bless ❤️

  • The Empath

    The Empath


    The line to get to customer care is so long, I had to leave. Why am I going to stand in a line to get info about something as basic as "where do I go to change my midas card?". I can't believe long lines at banks is still a thing in 2023.

  • Everard Lynch Jnr.

    Everard Lynch Jnr.


    There are 4 IABM conveniently located inside and 2 regular ABM on the outside. I noticed there was a line on the outside and when I went in there was no line so I got through quickly.

  • Bizzii Bodii

    Bizzii Bodii


    Really the worst experience down town duke street. I have # 22 and they called number 21 skipped my number and called 23&24. Not A very good experience. 2 hour wait and there was approximately 14 person ahead of me And there were 9 tellers. SAD!!!

  • Aliandra Hartwell

    Aliandra Hartwell


    I went in for my appointment to activate my bank account which I first registered for online. The securities I interacted with were very nice, respectful and helpful and the agent who actually did the account activation was incredibly sweet and patient and even more helpful. The staff that attended to me throughout my time there was amazing. There service deserves nothing less than rave reviews.

najbliższy Bank

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