Shaare Shalom Synagogue i Kingston

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92, Duke Street, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-922-5931
Latitude: 17.9750537, Longitude: -76.7900985
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Kommentar 5

  • Bryan Brown

    Bryan Brown


  • janice mcleod

    janice mcleod


    Shaare Shalom is Jamaica’s only synagogue which was built in 1911. Being the country's only remaining Synagogue, they welcome Orthodox, Reformed and Convert Jews. You can organize a private tour, which comes with a Tour Guide for 5 to 20 people, just call ahead to book it. The hall houses a gift shop and the history of the Jamaican Jews, from Christopher Columbus to present day.

  • Kadeem Petgrave

    Kadeem Petgrave


  • Gina Gee

    Gina Gee


    Wonderful Temple! Warm and welcoming congregation.

  • sheila hazel

    sheila hazel


    I have not been to this temple, but I will be visiting Jamaica after 36 years and I would love to visit this spiritual and historical place. What a testimony to victory over adversity and the ability of the Jewish people to take their light and hope where ever they go. Hopefully with a new rabbi there will be a beautiful revival in that hallowed space. Why not Jamaica has 2 million people and many are more connected to the Jewish people than they know. With a Christian majority there was a famous one called Jesus.. Take care Rabbi and keep doing what you do!!

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