Shawns Auto i Kingston

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Waltham Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-901-8765
Latitude: 18.0164313, Longitude: -76.8113877
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Bram

    Kevin Bram


    Reasonable prices n has most items in stock all the time!!

  • rashane dyer

    rashane dyer


    Very good customer services quality product low prices and short waiting time

  • Tommy Gooden

    Tommy Gooden


    The selection here could be wider but for the selection available I doubt you can get the quality and price matched anywhere else that sells legal car parts. The service is quick and efficient. Want a part that they don't have? Have a little time you can spare? Don't hesitate to ask Shawn and he'll be more than happy to order it for you.

  • Aljuray McKenzie

    Aljuray McKenzie


    Nice but be sure to properly check ur things before u leave ...

  • Jermaine Watt

    Jermaine Watt


    Want to get reasonable price for your motor vehicle come to Shawn's. Good customer service, polite staff and a wonderful shopping experience. I've used it several times and I'm satisfied. Don't just take my word for it go check it out yourself.

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