The Atrium at Ironshore w Montego Bay

JamaicaThe Atrium at Ironshore


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1084 Morgan Road Ironshore, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-953-2605
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.5122349, Longitude: -77.8816349

komentarze 5

  • Shadae Ellis

    Shadae Ellis


    Good day from Mr &Mrs Bouie this going to make us fourth stay at the Atrium resort it's amazing stay at the frangipani apartment 4 two bedroom most likely I watch television all day the kids enjoyed themselves in the pool like usual my husband enjoyed. Alison the housekeeper she really do a good job she makes sure our apartment kept tidy for the couple days we are there unfortunately she wasn't there when we leaving hopefully we come see her again... we feel comfortable hundred percent... five star ratings ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐have a good day....

  • angela Smith

    angela Smith


    Rooms need to be updated, but other than that, it was a great stay.

  • Dale Morris

    Dale Morris


    Stayed there for the new year because all the resorts were over booked and I don't regret it! The owner is very reasonable and the workers actually delivered good customer service! The rooms were clean and felt like a home away from home.. Pros.. walking distance for all necessities and a 5 minute ride to the airport. Cons.. doesn't offer food

  • Ruddy Thomas

    Ruddy Thomas


    Love the space, atmosphere and ease of access to everything you want. I was suffering from poor sleeping (work stress) and slept in Room #1 Frangipani for what was to be a 2 night stay ... 4 nights later I checked out completely relaxed. 4 visits later I still have the same experience. Heading there tomorrow ... May spend 3 nights; which who knows, could become 5!

  • Chadale Bent

    Chadale Bent


    Let me say this place is definitely a home away from home.. Everything was great from check-in to the check-out. Got a one room which came with an extra room incase u had a visitors. It's located close to the Blue Diamond and Whittier Village which was great. Definitely recommend

najbliższy Kwatera

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