Sandals Montego Bay w Montego Bay

JamaicaSandals Montego Bay



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Kent Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 888-726-3257
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.509117, Longitude: -77.9042467

komentarze 5

  • Judy Carroll

    Judy Carroll


    Our 3 time to Jamaica but first time to Sandals Montego bay. It was a blast but what made the whole trip worth it was our bartender Leroy. He's a amazing, honest, hardworking man. He made the best drinks and was always welcoming with a beautiful smile on his face. I can't wait to go back to hang out and see the beautiful country.

  • Terri-Lynn Newman

    Terri-Lynn Newman


    The entire staff at this resort is amazing. We felt like we were spending time with friends. Milton and Dane at the piano bar are the best! The bar on the pier is also fantastic for sunrises and sunsets with little nets off the sides for relaxing. Christopher Elliott, the customer service manager, is the king of customer service. He was so friendly and warm and he has the whole resort feeling that way. We had a swim up room that was gorgeous. All the restaurants were awesome but our favorite was Tokyo Joe's for dinner and the Jerk Shack for lunch. One of our best vacations so far! Can't wait to go back!

  • Rachel Vento

    Rachel Vento


    My husband and I came here for our honeymoon. While we had a great time, we were solicited several times for tips/money. Were told how much $100 could do for a someone in Jamaica and how they weren’t paid enough to pay their rent and the rest of their bills. A few guys were trying to push drugs, telling us they could get us whatever we needed and it was a lot cleaner than we could ever get in the states. We weren’t interested. Not sure if the butler service was worth it, I guess it was nice to have a reserved spot on the beach, but that’s about all they did for us. We ordered breakfast in our room a few times, it was wrong each time so we decided it was best to just go down and get what we actually wanted. The upsell attempts were also kind of annoying. Had a couples massage done and were told it’d cost extra to request a deep massage even though we were asked to choose the pressure. Them trying to sell us skincare products on the way out was also kind of obnoxious. In addition we were asked every day to buy a bottle of wine for our dinners. Like I said, we had a good time, but definitely could have gone without the soliciting.

  • Wayne Williams

    Wayne Williams


    There was a group of 4 couples at the Montego Bay Sandals. We had a great time and the resort was not to crowded. The staff was great except for 3 men in the sailing area (not Leon). They acted as if we were bothering them. Other than that all the staff was very accommodating, My group liked to play water volleyball but the resort's net was in awful shape. after talking to the General Manager they were ordering a new pole and net. The drinks were awesome and food was good. Overall my group was very pleased.

  • Vicki



    We just got home from our honeymoon and very much enjoyed our stay. The food was delicious, the views were magical, and we were able to fully decompress while floating in the pools. We had a club level room, which was worth the upgrade for room service alone. My only complaint was that the bed was SUPER uncomfortable. For the price we paid, I would have expected a nicer mattress.

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