Tobys Resort w Montego Bay

JamaicaTobys Resort



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
1, Kent Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-952-4370
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4904347, Longitude: -77.9272801

komentarze 5

  • No No

    No No


    Stayed here a couple of times for the price you can’t get any better. Amazing food and service, Rooms were a good size clean and modern enough. Should be 3 stars not 2

  • Sanai Organics LLC

    Sanai Organics LLC


    We had an amazing stay at Toby’s Resort. It’s super close to the center of Mobay and super close to the airport. We walked from the airport and walked all over the city. There’s tons of beautiful views and lots to do and eat. Great location for the hip-strip.

  • Joselle Reynolds

    Joselle Reynolds


    This resort is in close proximity to the beach and the airport. The staff were welcoming, very professional, courteous and enhanced the experience greatly. The grounds of the property are in pristine condition. The rooms, although rustic, still had modern amenities. I observed however that there were no elevators or ramps that led to rooms above the ground floor

  • Carole-Anne Chambers

    Carole-Anne Chambers


    I haven't completed my stay at Toby's Resort as yet... but... so far, it's been good. We were allowed to check-in early as we were running late for a wedding and needed to shower and get ready. The staff we've interacted with so far have been excellent. Will update when the stay is completed. 😊 UPDATE: The room we stayed in was okay. Unfortunately, there were a few ants on the beds... I got bitten while I slept. (Nothing painful thankfully, but annoying nonetheless) There were also ants on the bathroom counter: big black ones and red ones. Oh, the room we stayed in was definitely not soundproof so bear that in mind if you are looking for a quiet and restful sleep. It didn't help that there were loud persons walking by the room and loud persons in the room next door. Apart from that, the staff (the few that we interacted with), as mentioned before, were helpful and nice. Would I stay here again? Maybe... I'm not sure.

  • Grace McCoy

    Grace McCoy


    My husband and I were here just over a week ago. Wonderful staff all very friendly. This resort is small but the grounds are so lovely lots of mature trees and flowers. Food was excellent, fantastic coffee! Paul the shuttle driver is such a nice man so knowledgeable about the area. Walking distance to shops, restaurants and the beach. Definitely would go back.

najbliższy Kwatera

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