SeaGarden Beach Resort w Montego Bay

JamaicaSeaGarden Beach Resort



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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
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8, Kent Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 844-742-7778
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.493228, Longitude: -77.9257982

komentarze 5

  • Naudia Emziah

    Naudia Emziah


    The location is great. The hot water went out in the midst of taking a shower. The front desk takes forever to answer the phone. They take a whole day to bring towels and etc. The food was delicious. The people were awesome. The ones need to be updated. The bathrooms are really small. I love the antique look of the hotel, though it has a lot of character.

  • Kino Tremblay

    Kino Tremblay


    Reviews are pretty harsh. This is a 3-star resort. Don't expect 5 star. Food is very good. Good Jamaican food. Sorry for all the fussy eaters that prefer cheese stick and chicken nuggets. Rooms are comfortable with no frills. Clean and cool. Staff is nice and friendly enough. It's hot and humid. It's Jamaica 🇯🇲 ? If you want dry and cold visit the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The hotel is older and priced accordingly. Ear plugs are a good idea when you travel. Wi-fi has been better than expected. Never drops and able to make video calls. All in all I would recommend to the right people.

  • Shelly Stafford

    Shelly Stafford


    Wonderful time, great staff, clean with a old fashioned feel with modernized features. Would benefit from better communication between guess and staff to avoid miscommunication. Wifi offered to guests was unsecured and inefficient. TV did not work properly and door to room was hard to open and close. Overall a fantastic and wondrous experience and I look forward to returning soon with my family...

  • cristin maldonado

    cristin maldonado


    The staff here is very welcoming and helpful! Everyone was so friendly. The food was amazing from the buffet to the beach bar! Great experience for my family and I. Highly recommend the local tour with fletcher. Great and informative guide. Also everyone at the buffet was very pleasant and helpful. The beach here was breath taking. Especially when seeing the sunsets. I will definitely return to this resort.

  • Pauline Yapp

    Pauline Yapp


    Great experience clean public areas very friendly staff, front desk and Housekeeping needs attention. Housekeeping needs more details spots and dirt on carpet in room, two wash clothes and two towels was what my room had when I checked in. Phone in room does not work, went to desk for towels and had to go back several times to get them. Please release my $100 hold on my credit card.

najbliższy Kwatera

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