Mynt Retreat & Spa w Montego Bay

JamaicaMynt Retreat & Spa


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

Rampart Close, Montego Bay, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-622-5530
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4868078, Longitude: -77.9253888

komentarze 5

  • Jenn Grant

    Jenn Grant


    Home away from home. The staff were very courteous and professional. Food was excellent. Nestled in an area close to the airport but not bombarded with the noise of airplanes, Mynt Retreat & Spa is great place for either business and pleasure.

  • Rebecca Morgan

    Rebecca Morgan


    This place was excellent!! It was a last minute booking as I booked our previous accommodation for the wrong dates. I found this at the last minute as Hotel Glorianna was our only other choice but after reading their reviews and finding this gem instead we are so happy with this find! Such a well kept B&B. You will feel at home. The views. The rooms. The food is amazing and right next door to even better food. Loved this stay, thank you again Ryan!

  • Danni Menina

    Danni Menina


    Boy do I miss this place! I had such a fabulous stay here for my birthday. Although it was short it was very sweet and I can't wait to go back soon. Valerie was such a lovely lady and so was the other team members. Everyone was super sweet, helpful and friendly. You have to go to Doctor Cave Beach and also Peppa's next door offers amazing fish dishes! Highly recommend!

  • Nanci Dettra

    Nanci Dettra


    This charming Bed and Breakfast was set in a gorgeous tropical garden. The grounds and interior were well cared for. The beautiful decor of the interior of the building was inviting and comfortable. The views from the balcony’s were breathtaking! The owner was available to assist in so many helpful ways. She made our stay positive and memorable. We plan to return!!

  • Lynn M

    Lynn M


    We did a whole road trip of Jamaica and this place definitely tops the list for our accommodations. Wish we had stayed longer! Excellent location, beautiful property, great customer service. Due to low season, make sure you communicate any spa services prior to arrival as they may not have a masseuse on site. A beautiful Caribbean gem. Excellent balcony overlooking the ocean. Best beds of our trip with in-room coffee and water available.

najbliższy Kwatera

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