Polkerris Bed and Breakfast w Montego Bay

JamaicaPolkerris Bed and Breakfast



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13, Corniche Road, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-481-8168
strona internetowej: www.montegobayinn.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4819679, Longitude: -77.9281845

komentarze 5

  • Brandi Thomas

    Brandi Thomas


    This place was like Paradise nestled right in Montego Bay! We needed this getaway so bad, the moment we walked in, the host was there to greet us with a cold glass of lemonade. Breakfast was delicious, the swimming pool was relaxing, the bed/room was comfy and the views of the Caribbean Sea were incredible! We’ve already got some friends that are interested in booking their stay! If we could give it 10 stars we would!

  • Felicia F

    Felicia F


    We had an Airbnb reservation go wrong so we had to quickly find new accommodations… thank goodness Polkerris had a room available! We were almost going to book at an all inclusive down the street but I’m so glad we chose Polkerris! Peter helped me on the phone and I completed my reservation with Laura. They were so kind and accommodating. They text you a list of breakfast options everyday… and all of them are delicious!!! Laura would also pack our leftover dumplings to go bc they were so delicious and I would have hated for them to go to waste 😅… we would snack on them while on the road to our adventures lol. They also have a private side path that leads you down the Main Street to walk to the beach… very accessible. The rooms are so comfortable and feel like home. They truly tend to their guests and make them feel like home. Anytime I will be in Montego Bay I will be booking with Polkerris! They are truly the best in Montego Bay!

  • Ariana Bacchus

    Ariana Bacchus


    My family and I recently stayed at the Polkerris Bed and Breakfast in March 2024. I can't put into words how amazing our experience was! I wish I could give this B&B 10+ stars! Booking: When I initially contacted the Polkerris B&B, I had the pleasure of communicating with Laura. She was so helpful and kind! She answered all of my questions in a timely fashion and even reached out to me when an availability opened up for the specific room I wanted to reserve. She made my booking experience so effortless and delightful. Thank you for all your assistance, Laura! Polkerris Host/Hostess: Elaine and Peter are beyond amazing! They made us feel so welcome from the moment we arrived and through-out our entire time there. They went above and beyond to cater to our every need and answer all of our questions without hesitation. They made us feel like family. We can't thank them enough for everything. Polkerris Staff: Room service is provided everyday. Evelyn was an absolute sweetheart! Security: We were a group of all ladies, so safety was a top priority for us. We slept like babies at night! The property is completely gated at every entrance point, so we did not have any worries at all! The property has a designated pathway that leads you directly out to the hip strip. The path is well lit and has multiple gate checkpoints that require an access card to enter back on to the property. Food: Breakfast is served around 8am and is prepared fresh daily! All guests are served on a beautiful patio area overlooking a breath taking view of the mountains and ocean. We tried both the traditional and American meals and both were delicious! The blue mountain coffee is a must try! Transportation: Transportation arrangements were made using a reference from Elaine/Peter for pick up from the airport. This is when we met the amazing tour guide and driver Mike. 10++++ stars! He is the definition of a gentleman and is so patient! We ended up using his services for our entire stay! He took us on short trips to local restaurants and on an adventure from Montego Bay to Negril. We highly recommend him for anyone in need of transportation! Thank you for everything, Mike! To summarize, I would highly recommend the Polkerris Bed & Breakfast to everyone! You will not regret your decision! When I initially read the reviews, I thought "this sounds too good to be true", but I can 1000% confirm, it is all true!!! Thank you to the entire Polkerris Bed & Breakfast family! You truly made our first trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica unforgettable! We will be back soon! xoxo- Ariana, Iris, Miranda and Aleah

  • penny burgess

    penny burgess


    Have been staying here for the last few years and it is a hidden gem. Located walking distance to Doctor's cave beach and the strip meant that I didn't need to hire a car. I would recommend getting a driver for excursions. This is very much Old Jamaica, run by Jamaicans and the staff are exceptional. You can order whatever you want for breakfast. I highly recommend the Jamaican breakfast. I have already booked for next year. It only has 6 rooms which means it is quiet. I have already booked for next year. It gets booked up very early so I advise you to get your skates on if you intend to go !

  • Chris G

    Chris G


    Wow!!! Stop your search for any other place. This is where you need to stay in Montego Bay. Anita, Peter, Laura and Rohan are the most amazing people in the world. Their hospitality is second to none. You will enjoy the best breakfast you have ever had and the views are amazing. 3 minute walk to the beach and so many restaurants to choose from. You need to stay here if you are coming to visit Montego Bay. We plan on coming back again and will 100% only stay here. You will not be disappointed.

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