Hotel Montego w Montego Bay

JamaicaHotel Montego


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2, Federal Avenue, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-940-6009
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4935752, Longitude: -77.9158361

komentarze 5

  • Carla Laing

    Carla Laing


    I have been staying at this hotel since 1988. Albeit it was the crème de la crème way back and that’s not to say it still isn’t. Yes it needs some updating regarding the rooms, but that trumps the location and the food which is made to order and can I say the price compares to no other. Yes I can afford to pay more in a luxurious hotel, the owners Mr. and Mrs. Vickers provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere and environment. They have airport drop offs and pick up. Ample parking and you can stroll around the property or the neighborhood.

  • Karmani Henry

    Karmani Henry


    Great location and very cheap rooms with a nice view of the aiport to watch the planes land and take off.. Unfortunately, the rooms definitely screams MOTEL!!! and someone isnt always present at the front desk so when you are checking in or out you may have a bit of a wait which can suck when your tired and need a place to nap.

  • Ronald Clahar

    Ronald Clahar


    Nice little hotel great view of the airport if you like to watch planes landing like I do. The food is great there that's a bit A plus, big up to the chef. So anytime you in the area or want to stay couple nights that's the place. Have a lovely pool too.

  • Yolanda Battle

    Yolanda Battle


    The place was really nice and I will probably visit again however, on the day that I checked in the complimentary alcohol in the room was empty. They refilled it the next day but then by the next day after, it was empty again and I had been out of the room for a full day. Which leads me to believe that the housekeeping staff was partaking in the alcohol themselves. But the concierge Paul was very friendly and helpful. All of the staff were welcoming and accommodating. I liked the food except for the Italian place but you don't come to Jamaica for pasta! Lol. Overall, I enjoyed my stay.

  • Nancy Johnstone

    Nancy Johnstone


    This hotel is directly across from the airport. We got a room there late at night when our flight was cancelled. The room was clean and comfortable and inexpensive. Large balcony with excellent view of the airport and the sea. Kind and helpful staff.

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