The Erudite Medical Centre w Kingston

JamaicaThe Erudite Medical Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5, Holborn Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-669-9134
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0099728, Longitude: -76.7906337

komentarze 5

  • Gary McLennon

    Gary McLennon


    I came to the center by way of family members having their appointment for Covid19 vaccine, I was convince that I should also get the jab after seeing the care taken by the staff of the facility with my family members and as they was able to put all my fears to rest, I who was so set against taking the vaccine got all my shots and boosters done at Erudite Medical Center along with the rest of my family members. Erudite Medical Center have now become the place I now take my family and recommend friends and neighbors to visit in case of medical procedures.

  • Nikisha Daley

    Nikisha Daley


    There are so many things I can say about Erudite Medical. Our union, lol, started at Union Square in Cross Roads and now has traveled to Holburn Road. Awesome customer service. Dr. Thompson, I can only say thank you for your constant health lectures and warmth. Lastly, most of us can not visit the doctor during the week, hence the reason why the Saturday initiative is king. It is indeed and is always a pleasure.

  • Rosalie Manley

    Rosalie Manley


    The Doctor listens and examines me, not rushing me out like some others. The medications work! She also offers herbal and non-medicine solutions. Great experience every time.

  • Shanile Thompson

    Shanile Thompson


    I am incredibly grateful for the exceptional care provided by my family doctor. Their expertise, compassion, and thorough approach to healthcare have made every visit a positive experience. The genuine concern for my well-being, clear communication, and prompt follow-ups truly set them apart. I feel fortunate to have such a dedicated and knowledgeable healthcare professional overseeing my health. Highly recommend!

  • Xavier-Nathan McFarlane

    Xavier-Nathan McFarlane


    It is always a pleasure to visit Erudite Medical Centre whether it's me or my other family members. Once you enter the office one always gets that warm welcoming feeling of not just "another patient" but a special patient. Excellent medical care coupled with that warm human touch, that's Erudite Medical Centre.

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