Andrews Memorial Hospital w Kingston

JamaicaAndrews Memorial Hospital



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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
27, Hope Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-7401
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0144901, Longitude: -76.7885499

komentarze 5

  • en

    Maureen Stephenson


    The physical environment and meals are great for health and healing. However, the caregiving staff needs to be more willing to work better and demonstrate more compassion the patient in their time of suffering. In my opinion, male patients are shown more care and compassion than females are. Not good enough for a private facility.

  • en

    Michael Powell


    The Andrews Memorial Hospital is conveniently located to serve the upscale residences of Kingston. The hospital is a Private Seven Day Adventist Hospital. In other words, it is not a Public Hospital. The flow of patients at the reception does not appear to be properly organized, bearing in mind that without the means to pay for the intended medical services, such services would not be available to the waiting patients. Non-paying victims of an accident should be sent to a Public Hospital and not to the Private Andrews Memorial Hospital because the delay in processing admittance to the hospital could result in permanent disability or even the loss of life.

  • en

    Carson Ford


    The doctor office wait time is 3hrs 20 min on a Monday. The doctors they use to treat emergency and is the same doctor they use to treat normal sick patients. So if there is emergency you will have extremely long wait. Avoid this place if you can, it is a waste of time if you come here and there is a emergency

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    Some say it's expensive but I think the service here is great. The facility is constantly improving which is good. Parking look like it can be a challenge as on the front it's limited but there is space available at the back and to the side.

  • St. Rachel Ustanny

    St. Rachel Ustanny


    Generally great services and good facilities, but mothers in labour should be accommodated in separate rooms from those with newbies. My baby and I struggled to sleep after sharing a room with a mom in labour. Greater accommodation should be made for small families to remain with and support a mom with a newbie within 24 hours. My hubby and teen daughter could not stay to support me for long despite my difficulty walking and caring for my basic needs like bathroom visits after birth.

najbliższy Szpital

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