Dr. Ryan Halsall OBGYN w Kingston

JamaicaDr. Ryan Halsall OBGYN



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22, Windsor Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-946-0353
strona internetowej: www.ilapmedical.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0077472, Longitude: -76.7769549

komentarze 5

  • lavern parris

    lavern parris


    I had a great experience with Dr. Halsall. He was attentive, patient, kind and he has excellent bedside manners. He follows up with his patients I didn't feel rushed and he has a quiet calm and confidence about him that makes you feel secure and eases your fear. I love my doctor !

  • Debra Hitchins

    Debra Hitchins


    How to write a review for the doctor who saved my life. I tried googling it, but I didn't really get very far. So I guess I'll write it from the heart. Dr. Ryan Halsall - If I could give him 1000 stars I would. To be honest I never wanted a male OBGYN. I personally always felt that dynamic would be uncomfortable for me. Before I went to Dr. Halsall I had heard about him for years from friends, they always sung his praises, but I was never really interested, solely because of his gender. But alas, in 2021 I found myself in need of a second opinion on a procedure. I made an appointment to see him and it was a great experience which started the moment I walked into the facility; from the welcome at reception to the free snacks and coffee in the waiting area. My favourite part of the appointment process? Dr. Halsall actually arrived on time. Sounds simple, but this was refreshing to me as I was used to waiting upwards of 3 hours past appointment time to see my previous OBGYN. He was professional, knowledgeable and he LISTENED to what I had to say. I never felt rushed or dismissed, he took note of even my minor detail complaints, giving me time to ask questions and answering them in an understandable way. But I've gotten side tracked. Long story short. I ended up having to receive an emergency procedure (which lucky for me, Dr. Halsall had the facilities and was able to perform in-house) followed closely by surgery. As you can imagine, there were many tests before the surgery and Dr Halsall kept me up to date on the results as he received them, explaining how they would impact my surgery and me as a person. His professionalism and bed side manner are impeccable. For the first week post-op he checked in daily, he was available in case I had any complications. I felt I was in excellent care throughout my procedure. Post-op and I feel great! As I write this review now, I am healthy and sincerely appreciative for the medical expertise of Dr. Halsall. Needless to say, after my experience with Dr. Hallsall I saw why my friends spoke so highly of him. Would I recommend him? 100%

  • Diana Kellier

    Diana Kellier


    My experience was life changing! Dr. Halsall saved my life through a major surgically procedure and the after care that followed from him and his team was outstanding. Very supportive and encouraging throughout my recovery. Definitely brought my life back to full capacity. Grateful to have been introduced to him and he is always first on my recommendation list.

  • Sudane Nugent

    Sudane Nugent


    THE BEST! Dr Halsall is VERY thorough, explores every possibility of an issue there is (or could be) to determine his treatment plans. He is patient (answers EVERY question I may have) and explores whatever concerns I may have as well. He also gives advice and recommendations if you may have any issue that is out of his line of expertise. I do not think I have had another doctor who has ever taken so much of his time to simply CARE about me functioning as a whole person. Will forever recommend!!

  • Ms Henry

    Ms Henry


    Dr. Ryan Halsall deserves a 10/10 review. I have had the privilege of having Dr. Halsall as my gynaecologist, he is very good at his job. He his knowledgeable, but also possesses a warm and compassionate approach that puts me as a patient at ease. The personalized care and genuine concern for my well-being truly sets him apart from the rest. Not to mention his staff are amazing and the facilities are modern and advance☺️

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