National Chest Hospital & Dental Department w Kingston

JamaicaNational Chest Hospital & Dental Department



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1/2, Barbican Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-970-0655
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0229645, Longitude: -76.7597379

komentarze 5

  • Shelecian Hurge

    Shelecian Hurge


    I really have not been there yet, but I have heard of my friends saying it is a good hospital and she really give them credit. 👍👍👌.

  • Kelly-Ann Coore

    Kelly-Ann Coore


    My spouse did a surgery here in 2018 and I can testify that their hospitality is a1 top tier. Even though it is a chest hospital and deal with more respiratory issues they still did the surgery on his foot. They were thorough and gave us all information needed. The place was always clean and the staff was so friendly. Parking was easy and their clinic section works very fast. The cost is for registration at the time but if u have a health card it's highly recommended that u use it. He got the one of the best car every

  • Dessy Pitt

    Dessy Pitt


    Very disorganized early morning number system sloppy security, appointment patients wait for many hours ,nurses who seem to care less about patients and more about their safety, phone communications to skin clinic is gutter stink, always busy signal or just keeps ringing till answer machine .Each doctors give random medications each appointment date for the same complain so I doesn't know which one works,beyond all that a very clean well kept institution and clean looking members of staff and the pharmacy staff are very helpful and courteous

  • Satnarine Faulkner-Peart

    Satnarine Faulkner-Peart


    The absolute best medical care my mom has received thus far. Felt like a private hospital. The only issue we had was the excessive amounts of mosquitoes. However, the nurses and doctors we dealt with on Ward F deserve an ovation. Whoever is in charge there needs to train all the other CMOs in the public health system.

  • Norma Nash

    Norma Nash


    My father in law was transferred from Spanish Town Hospital on 29th December 2020. When I called to find out how he was doing his remarks were Mrs D a I feel like I am in a 5 star hotel,place clean and nice and nurses were courteous. He was well taken care of and I know all you came in contact with Mr, Dunston certainly missed his jovial spirit and sense of humour. To all the nurses who attented to him a big thank you and continue to give exemplary service. A big thank you and he was glad although sick that his short stay was well appreciated. Thanks again and may God continue to keep you all safe during these trying times

najbliższy Szpital

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