Constant Spring Medical Centre w Kingston

JamaicaConstant Spring Medical Centre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

111, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-925-0868
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0293952, Longitude: -76.7963585

komentarze 5

  • Jovan Evans

    Jovan Evans


    Call ahead before visiting, confirm a Dr is there before making your way. Unless of course you have lots of free time

  • Shanice Samuels-Campbell

    Shanice Samuels-Campbell


    Let me tell you. The staff at this facility, is the finest there is. I was treated like family. Excellent work guys.

  • Mature Son

    Mature Son


    I had what must be my most pleasant visit to the doctor. I was quite early and was greeted by Dawnette, the phlebotomist. Somehow we ended up in conversation and much laughter. Later, I saw Dr. K. Richards who was also professional and down to earth. She came across as both caring and knowledgeable. The nurse and receptionist were also helpful and pleasant and again, we shared some laughs. People see the doctor when unwell and when the staff is pleasant, it really does help. Thank you, CSMC.

  • T En

    T En


    Respectful and caring staff. The doctors are knowledgeable and efficient in their diagnosis. Our pediatrician Dr. Michelle Beckford is the best!

  • Ajala Kings

    Ajala Kings


    Good treatment. I waited for like an hour to see the doctor, but what was prescribed, worked. Very competent caring doctors.

najbliższy Szpital

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