Neo Medical w Kingston

JamaicaNeo Medical



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76 Red Hills Road Shop 19-20, 76 RHR Business Centre Kingston 19, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-289-5143
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0293313, Longitude: -76.8057888

komentarze 5

  • Chad Hines

    Chad Hines


    At Neo Medical, the location is convenient with ample parking space. Nowadays, with safety being a big concern, a security post exists that regulates the entry and exit of cars into and out of the parking area. When you enter the actual office the staff is friendly and efficient, which prepares you for Dr. Henry who gives you great service with a smile!

  • Ashly Cork

    Ashly Cork


    Dr Henry is an extremely compassionate and informed doctor. His office provides a safe and comfortable space for treatment. Dr Henry makes sure you leave with every question answered and every base covered, ensuring you understand to your best ability what’s going on with you. I highly recommend!

  • Lara George

    Lara George


    So grateful for the quality of care I’ve received from Dr.Henry over the past 4 years! He has been the most proactive doctor with regards to managing endometriosis that I’ve ever been to, and that has improved my quality of life more than I can express! 100% recommend!

  • Jazarah Gomes

    Jazarah Gomes


    I was really impressed by the service at Neo Medical on my first visit. The staff was friendly and accommodating. I was seen by Dr. Henry who was very patient with me. He is courteous, knowledgeable and quite professional. I would highly recommend Dr. Henry's services

  • Kandi King

    Kandi King


    I recently had the privilege of visiting Neo Medical and I am excited to share my outstanding experience. Firstly, the facilities at Neo Medical are top-notch, equipped with the latest technology and maintained to the highest standards. The entire staff, from the nurses to the administrative team, was courteous, efficient, and dedicated to providing a seamless experience. From the moment I walked through the doors, I was greeted by friendly staff, creating an atmosphere of comfort and professionalism. However, it was Dr. Henry's exceptional care and expertise that truly made my visit extraordinary. His ability to explain complex medical concepts in a clear and concise manner was truly commendable. I felt completely at ease, knowing that I was in the hands of an experienced and compassionate doctor. I wholeheartedly recommend Neo Medical to anyone in need of professional women's care. Dr. Henry's expertise, combined with the clinic's professionalism and welcoming environment, created an outstanding healthcare experience. Thank you, Neo Medical, for setting the bar high and for providing exceptional care!

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