X-ray And Diagnostic Ultrasound Consultants Limited w Kingston

JamaicaX-ray And Diagnostic Ultrasound Consultants Limited



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Ripon Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-0845
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9969939, Longitude: -76.7876677

komentarze 5

  • Orthel Faulknor

    Orthel Faulknor


    I have found the services to be exceptional. The staff has always been courteous and helpful. Getting my mamograms done have been pain free and comfortable. Carol is a gem. Dr Lofters and Clarke stand to answer any questions you may have but will always tell you to be guided by your doctor. I strongly believe in having my images done in one place and approximately 2 years ago when my results varied from the previous year , I was alerted and was able to act on it quickly.Keep up the great work guys

  • Loripaige



    Very professional staff in a very private setting. Excellent team of doctors

  • m b

    m b


    Wonderful service, had Mammogram (painlessly)done with report in 30 minutes. The staff is friendly and the Dr. Lofters was very informative and professional. Make your appointment today

  • Leroy James

    Leroy James


    Excellent facility that aims to provide conclusive answers. The costs are higher, but consider the fact that they are a consultancy practice, they are not the typical, run-of-the-mill xray clinic. The radiologists have decades of experience and take a no nonsense approach in helping you and your doctor find the right answer. They perform only the best procedure for your medical investigation. With that said, do not be surprised if you are advised that a CT scan is more appropriate vs an xray, or even that your requested procedure is in fact unnecessary based on your medical history. The ambiance is wonderful- classy decor, unusually posh for a local medical office, exceptionally clean, warm, patient staff all contributed to calming my anxiety. Keep up the excellent service!

  • Kerry Taylor

    Kerry Taylor


    I live in Florida and have been to many medical facilities, but none like this one. Services are overpriced and Customer service is bad.. The staff and owners are elitist and behaves as sick poor Jamaicans are beneath them. It’s very unfortunate, I will never use this facility again or recommend to anyone until they make adjustments to cost and practice good customer skill.

najbliższy Szpital

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