Bustamante Hospital for Children w Kingston

JamaicaBustamante Hospital for Children



🕗 godziny otwarcia

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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
5, Arthur Wint Drive, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-968-0300
strona internetowej: www.serha.gov.jm
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.999498, Longitude: -76.7781415

komentarze 5

  • Shellion Williams

    Shellion Williams


    Children is the worst hospital you can go, some of the doctors are awful and they know nothing about customer service

  • ragitha rajendran

    ragitha rajendran


    Very bad approch from the staff there... From the resigtration counter they behave very badly to us and purposefuly they made delayed for our treatment since we came from monring 9:35 and they purposeful made us to wait till 5:00pm.. And the lady over the insurance section behaved very rudely to us. As we are from other nation she should not behave like this. Even we are also human being.. Very bad experience

  • Taleta Thomas

    Taleta Thomas


    Bustamante Hospital is a hell house. The BEST yet WORST place for your child to be. Protocols that makes no sense and majority of the staff are full of attitude and disrespectful. The doctors are not so bad but the problem lies with the nurses and PS’s. Test are done in a reasonable time and the wait at A&E is not too bad. But the attitude of the staff there especially if you’re asking “too many questions” it’s atrocious. Sometimes there are no beds there so you have to stay outside with your child until you get a bed in the COLD!!! Last year 2023 this was reported to the New media and it was published and nothing has been done to address the issue of lack of beds by the now Minister of Health. Just go with an open mind no expectations. Children are not allowed to charge any gadgets that would help to keep them calm. If you take a tablet you have to take a power bank because it’s not allowed. There’s no fridge for patients so if you need something to be placed on the fridge just DON’T TAKE IT. I brought something to be placed on the fridge because my child was sleeping and I was told that the fridge is STRICTLY for STAFF. Also, if your child is admitted expect to come and see them a couple of times covered in stale poop. Which I have also experienced. When I addressed one of the staff members. She said they are not paid to go around and check which child has pooped. So, again, go with an OPEN MIND!!!

  • Juanita Jones

    Juanita Jones


    January 6th/2024 I had to visit the Bustamante children hospital with my nephew. Dante fell approximately 8feet to the ground. He was admitted for the trauma and broken wrist. Other than the hospital needing some TLC in and out of the building, and care to the hand washing stations for the nurses, and the lack of toilet paper in the bathroom (walk with your own when visiting Jamaica) my overall experience was pleasantly surprising that within the first two hours he saw two doctors, had an x-ray and a plan was made is impressive for Jamaica 🇯🇲. I was also impressed with the fact that the x-rays were online to view within minutes. Dante had to get surgery the next day because he was noncompliance with the manual part of fixing his wrist, it went well and they worked with us to be at the airport by Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning we went to the hospital in Canada 🇨🇦 and they x-ray again quoting “Jamaica did a good job with the retraction, we are just going to change the cast” A big thank you to the orthopedists surgeon and doctor's at the Bustamante Children Hospital.

  • Toomuchdebt



    Service is generally good but slow at times. There can be a bit of language issue because some of the staff are not Jamaican. If your child is admitted, parents can't stay on the ward with them after 6 pm. That is just crazy considering how under staffed they are.

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