Tingrinners Club Jamaica w Kingston

JamaicaTingrinners Club Jamaica



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-4, Gladstone Drive, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-929-6836
strona internetowej: www.tingrinnersmile.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0159958, Longitude: -76.7810165

komentarze 5

  • Amoya Williams

    Amoya Williams


    I currently have braces, I love Tingrinners so much. They’ve let me be proud to embrace my smile in style! It’s so amazing, the comfort, the customer service, and how nice both Dr. Beck and Knight are. No this is not a worker writing this review, this is very genuine…and if you’re looking for a place to get your braces done this is the spot!

  • Sherene Golding Campbell

    Sherene Golding Campbell


    Awesome reception staff! So friendly and helpful! Doc and the tech staff pretty cool too!

  • Candi B

    Candi B


    I didn't realise that I had absolutely forgotten what efficiency and absolute professionalism looked and felt like until I visited Drs. Beck and Knight earlier today. I haven't been there in years and I thought for sure I would have some amount of wait (no matter what their confirmation email said) because of COVID-19, after all, all we do nowadays is wait around wasting time. But I got there a little early, was met with clear sanitization and temperature instruction in the little entrance area, got in and within 5 minutes was seated and within 2 minutes of being seated I was called in to be assessed and have what I went there for done. In no time I was done and out. I was truly surprised. Thanks Drs. Beck & Knight for reminding me that there are still businesses out there that are not specializing in time wastage.

  • Candace Ashleigh

    Candace Ashleigh


    Was an AWESOME experience. EXCEPTIONAL service. A1 staff. Everything is just GREAT!

  • Samantha Robinson

    Samantha Robinson


    The assistant explained the steps of the process while carrying out the processes. Experienced the usual discomfort and difficulty chewing afterwards.

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