Jamaica Cosmetic Dental Services w Kingston

JamaicaJamaica Cosmetic Dental Services



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-9, Ardenne Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-978-4747
strona internetowej: www.jamaicasmiles.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0154705, Longitude: -76.7840958

komentarze 5

  • Angel Beswick-Reid

    Angel Beswick-Reid


    I've been going to JCDS from foundation days. The environment and the warmth and professionalism of the staff was unparalleled at the time; it was simply unheard of that dentists could be so gentle and friendly. Fast forward to now, and I continue to be a patient and supporter. Excellence is their starting point. Expect nothing less from them. Big up JCDS!

  • Natasha Brown

    Natasha Brown


    Above and beyond! Two words to describe the family that makes up JCDS and I'm thoroughly appreciative of all that they do. Exceptional service, attentive and compassionate. Thank you!

  • Dagmar Berry

    Dagmar Berry


    All staff and dentists are extremely pleasant and customer service oriented... I have always enjoyed visiting this Dental Office...no extended waiting times. Each and every staff member, dental hygienist , and all dentists are professional and helpful in all inquiries and requests for assistance. I will always recommend this dental office.

  • Nola Wright

    Nola Wright


    Great service, friendly and courteous staff, and lovely ambience as always. I'm never disappointed when I do a service at JCDC. I listen to soothing music during and I get a warm towel soaked in peppermint to cover my face after. Service is worth its weight in gold.

  • Claudette M Hobbins

    Claudette M Hobbins


    My time here has been good. The staff is hospitable and familiar with each client, taking good care. They are concerned if you have any issues before they start the procedure for the day. I have challenges with the sound of the drill and they provide head phones with music that can drown out the sound and allow me to feel comfortable. With some procedures I get a warm towel to relax my face

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