TDM All Smiles Dental Care Jamaica w Kingston

JamaicaTDM All Smiles Dental Care Jamaica



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17, Holborn Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-1245
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0087389, Longitude: -76.7907368

komentarze 5

  • Asha Ratteray

    Asha Ratteray


    Child friendly, caring, fun and skilled dentists and hygeinists. So thankful for your care of my 2 year old boy yesterday- and our entire family. Finally, found a dental practice for the whole family. Thanks again. Highly recommend.

  • Jolan Lawton

    Jolan Lawton


    I am so terrified of dentists. Had some traumatic experiences as a child. At TDM all smiles my dentist was so patient with me and it really was a great experience. Minimal discomfort and although she had to stop several times during my procedure she was a superstar about it.

  • Lisa Lewis

    Lisa Lewis


    Dr Francis is excellent. I'm very scared of the dentist as I have sensitive teeth and gums. She always takes extreme care with me and I'm grateful. I would recommend her to anyone who needs great dental care.

  • Kimberley Headley

    Kimberley Headley


    Dr. Tiffany was very gentle, had a great experience here and the staff was very pleasant! First dentist I’ve tried after I relocated to Kingston and easily now MY recommended dentist and my go to. 10/10!

  • Anneka



    My experience was great, from receiving a phone call after booking an appointment, to getting reminders of my appointment, to a welcoming and helpful staff on the day of my visit. Dr. Tiffany and her assistant were friendly, impartial and profesional which all made the experience relaxing. Definitely will recommend All Smiles Dental Care.

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