York Family Dental Ja w Kingston

JamaicaYork Family Dental Ja



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Hagley Park Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-591-5461
strona internetowej: www.yorkfamilydentalja.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0097464, Longitude: -76.7982879

komentarze 5

  • Dahvia Hylton

    Dahvia Hylton


    I had to do a complicated surgery. This was the smoothest surgery I have ever completed. Now that I know of this place, I will always come back. The customer service was also great. Dr. Grant spoke to me with such grace.

  • Ato



    Completed a cleaning here and the overall experience was EXCEPTIONAL‼️ The Dental Hygienist Ms.Haughton’s Customer service was excellent and the overall Process of cleaning Teeth was great as She was so Gentle and ensured I was ok and not feeling any discomfort throughout the entire process. The end result of the cleaning were even better than previous places I have went. My Mother went there and she Said the same so I know this is a service provided straight across the board. I Would fully recommend here to anybody all age included. They will not Disappoint especially.

  • Lakeem Allen

    Lakeem Allen


    Completely a procedures here!!! Did extraction and filling.. They are the best. All the equipments are in place so you don’t need to go elsewhere. Definitely recommend

  • Desrick Hamilton

    Desrick Hamilton


    Want all your dental care at one place? Check out york family dental. Get the job done in a timely manner, not to mention customer service! Best of the best 👌 and all the staffs, thanks again 👍

  • Robyn Hall

    Robyn Hall


    Awesome experience! The doctors went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and I was extremely satisfied with service given! 9/10 would recommend.

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