Dent-Care Smile Clinic w Kingston

JamaicaDent-Care Smile Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3, Tangerine Place, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-926-0579
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0057067, Longitude: -76.793991

komentarze 5

  • Sian Ormsby

    Sian Ormsby


    I've always had a great experience at Dent-Care Smile! Been going to them about 3 years now. Dr. Lyons-Morgan is such a down-to-earth, thorough dentist - I actually enjoy interacting with her! Also, the reception staff are very cordial from the point of making an appointment over the phone. Really exceptional service!

  • Catti Kitty

    Catti Kitty


    Dr. Lyons-Morgan, a BIG thank you. This is a 15 year in waiting review. At almost 14 and 18 years, they still have no cavities and we started the journey around when the older one was 2. Those sealants WORK!! They work *really* well. Not even one (1) cavity. Thank you!

  • Tenisha Cheng-Francis

    Tenisha Cheng-Francis


    My family and I have been going to Dr Morgan for more than 10 years now, the service is great and the staff are amazing and caring, and she is so patient with children, because my daughter is always nervous when she goes and Dr Morgan takes her time to treat her, she is awesome.

  • Laurence Drysdale

    Laurence Drysdale


    The staff and the treatment offered at Dent- Care Smile Clinic is A1. The excellent service started the minute I stepped through the door and continued throughout my time there. They are gentle, I never felt a thing. A truly amazing Dental experience If you are nervous about visiting the Dentist give them a try.

  • James Lyons

    James Lyons


    I’m always impressed with the attentiveness and care I receive whenever I visit Smile Clinic. I’m not one who enjoy visiting the dentist, but the Smile Clinic team has a way of making the experience a pleasant one from start to finish. Kudos to you guys. Great job! Oh btw thanks for upgrading your wifi. Now I can do some social media while waiting for my chair. Ha!

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