UWI Mona Visitors' Lodge and Conference Centre w Kingston

JamaicaUWI Mona Visitors' Lodge and Conference Centre


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2722+MRH, Kingston, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-970-2933
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0016769, Longitude: -76.7479002

komentarze 5

  • Kevin Dreckette

    Kevin Dreckette


    Good experience on campus love the environment 😌 ❤️

  • Icilda Coley (Joy)

    Icilda Coley (Joy)


    Nestled in a rustic haven where there is clearly a blend of history and present. Front desk was warm and friendly. Dinner hosts were service oriented and the meal was savory; though chicken needed less salt. I was delightfully surprised to be served a glass of Merlot. And there was sweet treat to tantalize my palate. However, breakfast wasn't punctual. Having arrived for 7:30 opening, we were surprised to find the door locked. Nonetheless in about 5 minutes it was opened, but the person to open the door no sooner disappeared without seating us etc. While dining at the table, I asked the waitress ( 16thAugust) for a glass of juice who instead of offering to bring it, pointed out that it was on the table There is a need for improved service. I was disappointed in this.. Additionally, other guests were loud and shouted across the tiny passage way.

  • Nnaeiluj Gotti

    Nnaeiluj Gotti


    The setting and customer service is okay. I didn't like that the meat options were limited because chicken was finished by 1:15 p.m. Overall, it was okay. I think I would enjoy it better if I just went for a drink rather than dine.

  • Kerah Edwards

    Kerah Edwards


    Great location if you have business on campus. Scenery of the garden, ruins and mountains are beautiful. Two stars were taken b/c amenities are a bit aged and no one told us where to park or any other info such as what time they close some of the gates. Breakfast is from 7-9 which is too early for some. For the cost, it's overpriced but I suppose you pay for location. The room is decent however, comfortable and equipped with a mini fridge and cable television.

  • Deonne Caines

    Deonne Caines


    Good venue for small to medium sized conferences/symposiums etc. IT capabilities are sufficient. The meeting rooms are comfortable and the catering is good. Didn't interact much with staff so I can't say much. There have never been any incidences of rudeness during any of my visits though, and I have been here quite a few times for meetings. Lots of parking available, with trees for shade.

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