Ward Mount Medical Center w Mandeville

JamaicaWard Mount Medical Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2FQM+8GP, Mandeville, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-962-2087
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0383299, Longitude: -77.5161704

komentarze 3

  • Flavia Thomas

    Flavia Thomas


    My brother and I took our mother to get a second opinion on her overall health November 2023. It was time well spent. Dr. Hanson was very attentive and respectful; he asked many questions and was very gentle with our mother. We were highly impressed. He also ran through some exercises with mom for her memory, some she got and some she didn't. He also did a thorough assessment of her gait, mobility and strength. We also met Dr. Carberry who was very polite and attentive. They work well as a team. It was time well spent as we were at the office for 3 hours. Highly impressed. Our mom liked him as well said he was very thorough.

  • Sybil Waugh

    Sybil Waugh


    Very timely and detailed,meticulous and respectful

  • Machell Henry

    Machell Henry


    This medical center has a friendly staff with great customer service. Dr. David Hason and Dr. Carberry-Hanson work out this medical center, and they are very diligent doctors with great bedside manner. Ample parking is available here. I love that Dr Carberry is open early (from 7am) so you can see her before work. Ensure you have an appointment though. A counselling center is also located there where you can book the services of a Counselling Psychologist, who works by Appointment only.

najbliższy Szpital

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