214 Exchange i Kingston

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214, Spanish Town Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1-876
Latitude: 18.005639, Longitude: -76.8341973
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Kommentar 5

  • Rush Rush

    Rush Rush


    The one and only Red Stripe...HEINEKEN Jamaica

  • eliezer Stclair

    eliezer Stclair


    Good place to exchange your empty Red Stripe bottle to cash, no need for crates,they have them and you get the full price. If you want to stock up you can do it there from a single drink to a trailer load.

  • Douglas Carty

    Douglas Carty


    Very cool place 2 buy ur alcohol

  • Ciccone Tucker

    Ciccone Tucker


    Good pricing.... good customer service....if you send them an email requesting a quote on the items you want...it makes the shopping easier...they give prompt email response service as well....the lady who assisted me over the phone and via email was very professional and helpful. So with having the pricing in hand, my shopping experience was effortless. All i did was hand the cashier the pro-forma I had gotten and she did up my order. She also informed me when one of my listed item was out of stock and gave me suggestion for a similar item of the same pricing...talk about customer service. ....

  • Ricky Binnings

    Ricky Binnings


    Its a great experience, staffs are friendly, ample parking space, tight security, everything just plug in

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