Carib 5 i Kingston

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5, Cross Roads, Kingston, JM Jamajka
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-906-4017
Latitude: 17.992623, Longitude: -76.788922
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Kommentar 5

  • Sandra Crawford

    Sandra Crawford


    I enjoyed my visit to Carib because of the clean facilities and fairly good sound. What I liked most were the spacious seating. There is great legroom, which minimised the probability of awkward encounters with other patrons squeezing by. It's much easier to stand when the national anthem is being played and much easier to manage the snack trays.

  • Richard Holgate

    Richard Holgate


    Screens need an upgrade and seating is real crappy. Raise the levels better so people won't be blocked by person in front. (intermission and anthem can be cut but that's just a personal opinion) don't see intermission going anywhere soon, pays the bills at the snack bar.

  • Camille Lewis

    Camille Lewis


    A spacious space with multiple auditoriums for viewing your favourite movies. My only issue is the lack of variety of food at the concession stand. You'll quickly find it boring if you go to the movies several times for a month. Overall clean space, and ample parking.

  • Andre Douglas

    Andre Douglas


    Great place to watch a movie on the big screen. But Palace Amusement needs to sort out the waiting in line thing, especially for the late movies. Arriving early for a movie means waiting in line for a long time outside before you get into the lobby, then waiting some more inside to get into the cinema. You run the risk of being trampled once they open the barrier. This lack of crowd control ruins the whole movie going experience.

  • Jecoliah Ellis

    Jecoliah Ellis


    I've been quite a few times and the location is great, central to many food spots and bus terminals. The theatre itself is very nice, spacious and the picture quality in he movie was great. The amenities look upgraded from when I went last and it was welcomed. The food items are somewhat pricey though.

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