Courts Super Center i Kingston

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79 - 81A, Slipe Road, Kingston, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-2110
Latitude: 17.9912083, Longitude: -76.7894628
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Kommentar 5

  • Michelle Burey

    Michelle Burey


    One of the many branches of the best place to shop for furniture and appliances. Customer service friendly and efficient

  • Yvonne Cooreyjohnson

    Yvonne Cooreyjohnson


    I had a Critical Problem with COURTS, that remained unresolved for just over NINE (9) months! All my efforts to resolve it, through telephone calls, emails and Store Visits proved TOTALLY FUTILE! Today, I made One LAST effort to visit COURTS in a bid to resolve, once and for all, this outstanding matter. I'm very happy that I followed my instincts. I found the BRIGHTEST, Highly Knowledgeable, Professional, Self- Assured, Young Female Member of Staff; who took LESS than ONE HOUR to resolve My "NINE-MONTH-OLD" problem. Professionals at her level, combined with her Human Resource Skills, should NEVER be tucked away in a "small corner" totally hidden by cramped cubicles; and obviously without the requisite basic office tools, critical to efficient and effective outputs. I watched as she tackled my problem, drawing on Computer, Analytical and People Skills; coupled with a command of the English Language and a very, very pleasant demeanour...."A Management Tool Delight!" Wake Up Unicomer COURTS, Cross Roads, Kingston 5, JAMAICA! This YOUNG LADY DESERVES to be ORBITED to TOP MANAGEMENT! Historically, business usually boom, once THE DIAMONDS ARE REVEALED!

  • Constantine Douglas

    Constantine Douglas


    Friendly courteous knowledgeable customer services at it best no long waiting if you have all revelant documents that are required by Courts super center

  • Lacena



    I went to the optical section and i dealt with a rep called Shadae Panton she was AWESOME

  • Debi Chin

    Debi Chin


    Wish they would make sure what they have on display applies to all products. Eg. They have displayed Queen and King beds but for some of the beds, the Full/Double doesn't have the same features. So if you only want or need a double, you have to know to ask but you can't get to test it. Also, some products don't come with the right parts and accessories. They know but don't ensure that it's fixed by the manufacturer before putting them on sale.

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