Domino's Red Hills i Kingston

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113 1/4 Red Hills Road, Kingston, Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-656-8941
Latitude: 18.042871, Longitude: -76.815819
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Kommentar 5

  • Graham Kluvi

    Graham Kluvi


    That place is very good

  • Hugh Rose

    Hugh Rose


    Fast turn around in order and collection of pizza

  • Leslie-Ann Brown

    Leslie-Ann Brown


    Clean space, fast and efficient service. Overall a good experience

  • Motty bruce tv

    Motty bruce tv


    not good at all want to use the bathroom and both security and a worker have me a circle no one knows who has the key for the bathroom real bad

  • kirk gordon

    kirk gordon


    I must say its the first time im buying here and i'm kind of pleased. As i said, kind of. First off, my pizza was delivered quick and the pizza actually taste great to my surprise - i am a pizza hut lover. Moving on, the pizza was great but i wasnt pleased with the pineapple toppins. After i paid for 2 toppins i expect to get my money worth. Its like they sprinkle the pineapple on once and them cut too small, omg nuh mention that. I could count how much pineapple!!! Mine you pineapple is my favourite toppins. Guys you have to do better with the pineapple. Unuh too mean with it mannn! I like you guys service BUT I NEED MORE PINEAPPLE TOPPINS ON MY PIZZA OK! When i call again to make an order, imma let you guys know if i pay for the toppins dont take my money and not put what i pay for.. thank you!

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