FosRich Company Ltd i Kingston

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

77-79, Molynes Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-937-5099
Latitude: 18.0203458, Longitude: -76.8145199
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Kommentar 5

  • Ajala Kings

    Ajala Kings


    Widest variety of lightbulbs in this Kingston area. Alot of lamp shades and lighting fixtures for indoor and outdoor. Extension chords, switches, the sale prices are heavily discounted. The staff were very helpful and quick to assist.

  • Carvel Hanniford

    Carvel Hanniford


    Product offerings were high technology and affordable. Open on Sundays until 3pm was very convienent.

  • Chaka-Che Johnson

    Chaka-Che Johnson


    Very helpful and accommodating with advise on lighting supplies. The process of selecting items is very easy; the fosrich team even helped to assembled items instore for free with some amount of knowledge transfer. I found the team truely honest.

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    My first choice store for buying bulbs and other lighting products for the home. Staff is always very helpful and provides guidance. Parking can be a challenge due to the limited parking, however I have never been there when there is that many people there. But they tend to have regular sales which brings additional traffic.

  • A B

    A B


    A wide range of choices. Probably the best around in electrical, lighting, and solar supplies! Purchased a solar water heater from them and they always make me feel like a current customer...calling me up to tell me about upcoming events! Prices are certainly reasonable and there are knowledgeable workers who are eager to tell you about the products. Keep it up FR!

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