IADPA Bookstore i Kingston

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

74, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-924-5227
Latitude: 18.0271037, Longitude: -76.7961368
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Kommentar 3

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    A great place to get Christian books and materials specific to the seventh-day adventist faith. The staff is very helpful. Parking at times can be a challenge, but you parking available at the back of the building. I have noticed regularly scheduled sales so that's something to look forward to.

  • Ava-neil Mclean

    Ava-neil Mclean


  • Anthony Campbell

    Anthony Campbell


    IADPA has all the Christian and family book that you are looking for, also a large variety of health books and healthy recipes to help you better your life

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