Jamzone Bowling i Kingston

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195, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-630-0760
Hjemmeside: www.jamzonebowling.com
Latitude: 18.048545, Longitude: -76.794362
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Kommentar 5

  • Jay-Jay Ward

    Jay-Jay Ward


    The machine to set the pins had issues but the staff quickly resolved them. They were super helpful. Bowling was fun, would go every time I have money lol

  • Jahson Bogle

    Jahson Bogle


    This place is good for anything. Birthday parties weddings celebrations you name it.You have gaming rooms and etc. Food is amazing. Just sometimes the bowling alley doesn't give the ball back but I made a complaint and it should be fixed.

  • Ojaygaming Plays

    Ojaygaming Plays


    I love at someone put time aside to create such an enchanting place. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a passion for bowling and if you love to play video games in your free time.




    All 4 persons who went had fun. Lost a star because I only had 1 issue-at times the bowling Lane was acting up and time was last because we only got 1 hour to bowl running time. That should be dealt with other persons had the same issue and had to wait until one of the staff fixed it. But the atmosphere was good. Please to bring a pair of socks if you don't want to spend an additional $150.00 ja. The staffs were friendly and very helpful.. Plus I was the winner in my bowling Lane. Will definitely be going back with a bigger group.

  • Natasha Gayle

    Natasha Gayle


    This place is fun got all ages and for large or small groups. They serve GREAT wings (food all their food is good), but those wings are absolutely delicious. The vibes inside is very uplifting and relaxing and you also have drinks if you need to just relax and unwind. Good parking, lovely and courteous staff.

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