Lee's Fifth Avenue i Kingston

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🕗 Åbningstider

12c, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-7554
Latitude: 18.0143828, Longitude: -76.7958851
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Kommentar 5

  • Chan_Gami



    I really loved shopping here. The customer service was very good, I felt welcomed there. The store itself also looks well put together. Overall good experience

  • Shauna-Kaye Brown

    Shauna-Kaye Brown


    Probably my favorite department store in Jamaica. I’m always able to find everything in one place plus the customer service is always awesome.

  • Ernest Edwards

    Ernest Edwards


    Great shopping experience, friendly and helpful staff, great clothes selection

  • Melanie Auld

    Melanie Auld


    You can get a few itemd tgere but its relatively overpriced. But you go and be the judge. Im a conservationist

  • Rochelle Reid

    Rochelle Reid


    Standard selections, poor plus-size pieces and you can never find anyone to help you when you actually need assistance if you visit on a Friday, Saturday or "pay-day" (around the 25th of each month).

Nærmeste Stormagasin:


Shop 24, 106 Hope Road, Kingston
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