Phil's Hardware Ltd i Kingston

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66A, Constant Spring Road, Kingston, JM Jamaika
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-931-0612
Latitude: 18.0256004, Longitude: -76.7959529
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Kommentar 5

  • Hugh Bowman

    Hugh Bowman


    Good FX rate J$124: US$1. Thumbs down for charging credit card user an additional 3% on the total.

  • Web Developer

    Web Developer


    I end up at this hardware on Sundays because of the convenient Sunday hours. They have a wide cross section of products to choose from and a friendly staff.

  • Sani Ledge

    Sani Ledge


    Good prices and a great attempt at providing good quality products. Sunday openng hours is a big plus but Management needs to work on staff's customer service though.

  • Yashi Williams

    Yashi Williams


    I visited Phil's Hardware this morning for the first time. I was very impressed with the set up, and friendly staff. There is an information desk as you enter where you can get quotations and directions to exactly what you need. I gave it four stars because there is a charge for each quotation received while the competition (SuperValu) does not charge. Also there are a lot of men at the front trying to gain work for transportation of goods. I would have preferred that they not be in yard of the business as they can be overbearing. Apart from that one negative, they appear to be the best in the market for quality at the best price as well as having most of all your hardware needs.

  • Llyle McGibbon

    Llyle McGibbon


    They have most all your hardware needs priced reasonably. Transportation on the outside ready. Open on Saturdays

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