ProperlyGuided Natural HairCare and Beauty Salon i Kingston 10

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Burlington Avenue, Kingston 10, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-984-9478
Latitude: 18.0178201, Longitude: -76.7978953
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Kommentar 3

  • Candice Stewart

    Candice Stewart


    I enjoy the experience here. The owner, Mrs. Oprah Williams takes pride in her work and ensures that her clients receive the best hair care there is. She focuses her attention on each client she receives and takes care of the various hair types. Without a doubt, you will be pleased with the service received. I've been a client for over five years and I've never looked back! No one else touches my hair. God bless her hands on my locs. Supporting young persons with new businesses is the way to go. I encourage anyone interested in properly caring for their hair, especially the natural "kinks", to pay the salon a visit. One of the best!

  • Ricardo Williams

    Ricardo Williams


  • Sasha Ledgister

    Sasha Ledgister


    OMG!!! This is The best Salon I've ever been to!! You get quality for your money but not only that... Their specialist makes you feel at home. The environ is comfortable and with free wifi you get to relax all day and be pampered with soothing music in the background.. So if you're looking for quality for your money stop at Properly Guided Natural Haircare and Beauty Salon! They really know how to enhance your outer beauty!!

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