Southdale Plaza i Kingston

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Central Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-5424
Latitude: 18.018505, Longitude: -76.7958015
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Kommentar 5

  • grace mercy

    grace mercy


    Great place to get all your equipment and other supplies.

  • Shevayne Fletcher

    Shevayne Fletcher


    Good place to shop and chill if you want to

  • Clarence Simpson

    Clarence Simpson


    Nice plaza with a lot of stores, cafe's, a dental centre & an optical centre .

  • Erica Chen-Loy

    Erica Chen-Loy


    In my estimation this is not a very busy plaza. In this plaza you'll find an Optical Express Office, Detergent Store, Boutique Store, Hardware Store just to name a few. This plaza offers wheelchairs accessibility. You can get to this plaza via Constant Spring Road & South Odean Avenue.

  • Lorrie Scarlett

    Lorrie Scarlett


    Southdale plaza caters to a wide cross section of people. You are able to gain access to a laundry mat, cosmetolgist as well as purchase beauty products there. The section of the plaza I went to, is not too crowded and parking space is available. However I think the plaza needs some refurbishing in terms of painting and fixtures. Overall, it's okay. Just to note, I see no security on the property.

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