Tropical Battery i Kingston 10

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1E Grove Road, Kingston 10, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-926-6615
Latitude: 18.0052391, Longitude: -76.7946096
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Kommentar 5

  • John Hylton

    John Hylton


    Very little parking. Technicians are very helpful when they eventually get you.

  • Marion Carter

    Marion Carter


    Got through super quickly - big up Kevan for being very professional and knowledgeable and getting me on my way in no time.

  • Anon ymous

    Anon ymous


    Quick, friendly efficient service by the technician, whom stepped up to the vehicle as soon as I drove into the customer bay. Ensured to explain each check as it was conducted and what results meant. Processed my warranty claim for replacement with no undue issues. Would recommend this branch without any form of hesitation.

  • Dwayne W

    Dwayne W


    Good service, quick to assist and staff that handle my vehicle seemed well trained. Would recommend.

  • Anthony-Lester Morris

    Anthony-Lester Morris


    Good battery company and the staff are helpful but needs more parking bays they seem to me full all the time. The prices are responsible

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