Ultimate Car Care Sports Bar And Grill i Kingston

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Holborn Road, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-968-5229
Latitude: 18.0082434, Longitude: -76.7904961
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Kommentar 5

  • Phone Freedom

    Phone Freedom


    Great customer service.

  • Kimberly Osbourne

    Kimberly Osbourne


    Have your car cleaned as you drink upstairs




    Prices are comparable with other services in the area. Several different waiting areas that are very comfortable complimented with bar and restaurant amenities. Staff was very attentive and helpful and they did an excellent job with my car. The only reason I didn't give this place 5 stars is the hours of operation could be longer to facilitate the customers looking to utilize the services after hours.

  • Brigitt HooSang

    Brigitt HooSang


    Reasonable prices. Abke to sit comfortably and wait for car.

  • kameka chung

    kameka chung


    It is cost effective with good service, but the workers will try to haggle you into extra services on the side.

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