Veri-Licious Sweet Treats Ltd. i Kingston

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96c Molynes Rd Molynes Washington Blvd intersection Turn Into Texaco Gas ation, Kingston, Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-924-5007
Latitude: 18.025855, Longitude: -76.821592
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Kommentar 5

  • Shauna Douglas

    Shauna Douglas


    It's nice customer service is good

  • Desmond Ellis

    Desmond Ellis


    Good assortment of ice creams

  • Mark McKnight

    Mark McKnight


    Nice place to celebrate a birthday or just share a sweet treat with friends.

  • Rhaul Robinson

    Rhaul Robinson


    Nice little sweet treats shop thats hidden away.

  • Rayon Clarke

    Rayon Clarke


    If you are looking for good delicious ice cream this is the place. Brought my kids there for ice cream it was heaven to them. For the week we were in Jamaica we went 3 times. The ice cream liqueur is so good.

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