Cafe Blue w Montego Bay

JamaicaCafe Blue



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Alice Eldemire Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-622-9849
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4553605, Longitude: -77.9255023

komentarze 5

  • Asha-kay Brown

    Asha-kay Brown


    Love it here.. take my money lol.. in the heart of Fairview.. service is not really quick but the environment that you wait in is clean and comfy..

  • Gabrielle B

    Gabrielle B


    Always a hit whenever we visit, we enjoy having breakfast or brunch here. I enjoy Cafe Blue's hot chocolate and their breakfast options. The staff is polite, clean surroundings. Love it! P.S. don't leave without trying out their pastries, whenever I order it's always a hit...the lychee cheesecake is fire🔥

  • Food Eater

    Food Eater


    Great spot to grab a bite to eat, nice wraps sandwiches in good buns with good quality meats and cheeses. The deserts are a better selection and better quality than you will find at most coffee places. Blue Mtn Coffee and frozen drinks(not real fruit but good and you can mix flavors) can get busy but the drinks move quick.

  • Golden Eye

    Golden Eye


    Giving this five stars exclusively, because they have gluten-free wraps! Which is very hard to come by, to almost nonexistent in the area. The café is located inside a pharmacy, so the atmosphere is mid, but if you need a sandwich, or a pastry, or a hot drink, this is a great option.

  • Steve Williams

    Steve Williams


    Cafe Blue provides a 5-star coffee and breakfast experience. They were able to accommodate a large group of a dozen adults and kids (pickney!). The croissant sandwiches and cappuccinos were awesome, as was the cold blue! Service was also first class!!

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