Starbucks Coffee w Montego Bay

JamaicaStarbucks Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Alice Eldemire Drive, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-550-5071
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.454025, Longitude: -77.9262281

komentarze 5

  • Gabrielle B

    Gabrielle B


    I love the Frappuccinos here! Carmel Fraps, Twix flavored fraps...🤎🤎🤎 all chocolately, carmelly goodness!! I enjoy this franchise in Fairview, the staff is young, fun, vibrant and friendly...there's a vibe in there! Clean, they work quickly...shout out to MJ, MOMO & RAJ!!!!

  • isheka ferguson

    isheka ferguson


    Literally just visited the location in Fairview I tasted my drink and told the girl it tasted weird she was saying that’s how the drink was supposed to taste. I told her this is a drink I take weekly. Instead of her remaking the drink she literally pour excess sugar on it and gave it back to me. I could not drink that at all. Value your customers. It’s the first I am see her which means she needs better training.

  • Ash-Lee Brampton

    Ash-Lee Brampton


    The staff here are always welcoming. Definitely one of my favorite spots.

  • Golden Eye

    Golden Eye


    Large, full service Starbucks in the Fairview shopping plaza. Friendly service and great location with plenty of parking.

  • Breela Rose

    Breela Rose


    Starbuck's main appeal is really the ambiance that's what you pay for and this store just doesn't have any ambiance it's a very bare open space, 0 style. But still gets 3 stars for service and standard Starbucks food and coffee

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