Mandy's Express Cafe w Montego Bay

JamaicaMandy's Express Cafe



🕗 godziny otwarcia

36, Miriam Way, Montego Bay, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-403-6165
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.4641439, Longitude: -77.914445

komentarze 5

  • Jaevanie Ferguson

    Jaevanie Ferguson


    Firstly, for the lovely menu items and aesthetics Mandy's has on IG, the store needs to move from the plaza it is on. The Carjam Plaza is very run down, has little parking and the parking area is rough, bumpy road. The restaurant is very tiny, only able to seat 4 inside comfortably and another 4 outside in the common passage area. The food tastes good but the chef messed up one of our orders which felt like he/she was doing what he/she pleased which wasn't amusing. Fried instead of scrambled eggs; bread not toasted and buttered; no whip creme on the hot chocolate. The front desk person seemed nice but I didn't get an overarching feeling to present the food as advertised, as ordered or on the menu and this was disappointing. Mandy's has great potential but until they move and pay closer attention to details with orders, I cannot say I'll be back whenever I'm in MoBay.

  • Red Reviews

    Red Reviews


    This is great brunch spot with several tasty menu options. Staff is courteous, helpful and professional. Space is a bit small but still comfortable and homey. I would highly recommend following them on Instagram for daily deals. The food looks just as advertised! Overall, 9.5/10!

  • Maria Mohammed

    Maria Mohammed


    The food and drinks are excellent. I've visited multiple times in the past 2 months and they haven't disappointed. They have a great menu and the staff is very friendly and provides excellent service.

  • Anna Dookie

    Anna Dookie


    The food tasted delicious. The drinks were well made and flavorful. Items are freshly done to order so there is a wait. The staff are courteous and helpful when you are deciding your order. You can call ahead to order. Very clean and trendy environment. Decor was beautiful. Space is small however, so its ideal for a grab and go.

  • Kirk Tomlinson

    Kirk Tomlinson


    Food was glorious. Got the invite to order from them on a Tuesday. Taco Tuesdays. And lemme tell you.... those tacos were AMAZING. I would definitely recommend this small but characterful Cafe.

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