Chippies B&B w Kingston

JamaicaChippies B&B


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

9, Saumarez Avenue, Kingston, JM Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-801-6535
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 18.0115169, Longitude: -76.7854976

komentarze 5

  • Tobias Fidler

    Tobias Fidler


  • Till R

    Till R


    Place does not exist! Do not book here

  • Nadine Campbell

    Nadine Campbell


    My experience with chippies b&b was the worst times of my life make reservation for me and my family from may for July 1-12,I see comments good and bad I can vent for the ones who have bad comments because I have very experience on my way to Jamaica on the plane receive text messages from chippies asking me what time I will arrive I told them about 6:30 pm they respond see you later could not find the location because there is no st address we have to be asking people when we get there only to see employee come to let me know the room is not available we have to be outside the gate for more than a hour that's when I use the employee phone and call my police friend who told me to go to the police station that's when they got us somewhere else for the night the good thing was it was a better location than chippies b&b good security more secure area only that it was a smaller accommodation than what we paid for what they do is rent one room multiple times all this time this been going on have never see the owner one time I speak to someone saying she is owner name Susan and she is apologizing for the inconvenient and want put us somewhere else where there is no air condition I just want to tell you all be careful of what these people putting up because you not getting what you paid for thank you




  • Kesonya Gopie

    Kesonya Gopie


    Beautiful and tranquil home away from home. Crystal is a awesome hostess.

najbliższy Kwatera

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