Christian Pen Health Centre w Portmore

JamaicaChristian Pen Health Centre


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X4X5+XH2, Portmore, Jamaica
kontakt telefon: +1 876-998-1629
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 17.9998848, Longitude: -76.8911222

komentarze 5

  • chynn



  • Jason Thomas

    Jason Thomas


  • Dale wills

    Dale wills


    I went to Christian Pen Health Center in Portmore, to get re immunized or to learn how to get a replacement for my immunization card, having had the most horrendous experience at the Waterford Health Center , made even worst when I had to go back there. Upon arriving at the Christian Pen Health Center, I was pleasantly surprised to see they have built shelter with chairs to house patients that have to be waiting, compared to the Waterford Health Center that have persons mostly aged, unwell senior citizens sitting on the outside on tough benches, facing the blistering sun like they are solar panels, most trying desperately to shield their faces with a rag or book or anything they can find. But not so at Christian Pen Health Center , persons sit on comfortable chairs , under shade. I approached the security guard on duty, who was neatly attired, courteous and pleasant, and enquired what I was there for, he told me to wait and then directed me to two wonderful nurses, who told me exactly what to do, with one suggesting I get my medical records from my past high school - which I did and went back there. Saw one of the nurses that I had spoke to who further assisted me, even went on her personal cell phone to call someone to render further assistance. While, I noticed the interactions between the other nurses and the patients, exemplary, the gold standard of what patient care and customer service should be. One of the nurses was even making jokes with the patients , because she knows they were waiting awhile - which she was doing this to help brighten their moods and I can see it was helping. I know the health system in Jamaica is not without it's challenges but when you can be at a health center where the care and comfort given far exceeds the budget that they have to be working with, it should be acknowledged and highly praise. So thank you to the wonderful staff at the Christian Pen Health Center for the wonderful job you are doing, the Ministry of Health needs to make you the Gold Standard of what great patient care and great customer service should be. Thank You!

  • Shantel Livingston

    Shantel Livingston


  • Akiva Gunning

    Akiva Gunning


najbliższy Szpital

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