Courtleigh Hotel and Suites i Kingston

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Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston, JM Jamaica
Kontakter telefon: +1 876-929-9000
Latitude: 18.0041651, Longitude: -76.7879326
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Kommentar 5

  • Cassie Whyte

    Cassie Whyte


    Loved everything about this hotel, perfect for the business travelers. Rooms very clean and comfortable. Has a good view of the kingston harbour.

  • Mary Ellen Wittke

    Mary Ellen Wittke


    I still really like this hotel. Staff is very attentive.

  • Dillon Chin

    Dillon Chin


    I highly recommend Courtleigh for your choice of Hotel. My overall experience was wonderful. The staff was friendly and professional, my room was very clean and well put together, and most importantly, my suite felt like I was home. I didn't feel like I was in a hotel at all staying for a couple of days or one night. Courtleigh was a perfect choice for a get a way from my labor intensive business. Special thanks goes out to the love of my life "Dian", you are amazing! Keep up the good work!

  • Yvette Banton

    Yvette Banton


    Wonderful experience all the time. Great food, wonderful staff, very professional and friendly. Room very clean and quiet.

  • Lorice Parker

    Lorice Parker


    Stayed at this hotel for four days. Had an Amazing time. Staff was friendly and accommodating. In the dining area Antonie was kind and helpful and pleasant. If you need transportation ask for Dr. Watson he was the best part of the trip his van was clean, he was friendly, rates were reasonable, and his personality superced all expectations. Thank you Courtleigh I will be back

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